Friday, March 21, 2014

ECLIPSE ,Part 1- Installation & Configuration

What is IDE ?
IDE means integrated development environment which is a programming environment that has been packaged as an application program, typically consisting of a code editor, a Compiler a debugger, and a graphical user interface builder.

What is Eclipse ? 
Eclipse is a famous Java development IDE, which helps to provide customize environment and helps in fast development process. 

How to get an Eclipse for Java Development ?
At the time of this post, the latest Eclipse package version available to download is Eclipse 4.3.2. Eclipse releases are named after the moons of Jupiter, and each denotes a successive release.
Eclipse is free for downloading. All you have to do is navigate to , chose and download the Eclipse package suitable for your requirements from one of the download mirrors available.
like :

What are per-requisite for running Eclipse in our system ?
Since Eclipse is a Java program, you will need to have Java installed on your computer to run Eclipse [Refer to Installation and configuration post ].

Java is available in two main distributions: the Java Runtime Engine (JRE) and the Java Development Kit (JDK). If you are using Eclipse for Java development, the JDK offers several advantages, including the availability of source code for the Java classes. If you are using Eclipse for something other than Java development, the JRE is all you need. Once you have a Java VM installed, you’re ready to work with Eclipse.

Installation and Configuration
  1. Chose the required Eclipse version, Eclipse package (classic, Java, J2ee, C/C++ etc) that you want to download.
  2. After clicking on your choice of Eclipse package, you need to select one of the download mirrors to download the Eclipse installer.
  3. Save the Eclipse installer (which will be available in compressed format(zip/rar)) to any location on your computer.
  4. unzip or unrar.
  5. Executable file will be ready to run as soon as you uncompress Eclipse installer zip/rar. (eclipse.exe)
  6. Double click eclipse.exe
  7. Chose a workspace (location on your computer where your work will be stored).
  8. Eclipse will load the necessary plugins and present the welcome screen
  9. Feel free to browse through the options presented in the welcome screen. But our main focus is workbench, so chose the workbench option, which will present your new workbench where you can create your projects and work on.
No further work is required. Note that installing Eclipse does not change the Windows registry. If you’ve installed your JVM properly and unpacked the Eclipse archive correctly, you should be ready to run Eclipse for the first time .

This is What you get when you start your eclipse for first time. choose the workspace and you are ready to write Java code in Eclipse

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