Here I will be posting a scenario through which you can understand why and where first two mantras of design patterns fits well:
1) Always code on basic of interface instead of implementation.
2) consider composition over inheritance.
consider a scenario :
suppose there are different employee in your company and they are categorized on the basis of their designation like :
architect, tech lead ----> category A.
senior developer, junior developer -- > category B
sales manager, Hr ------> category c
Now your application needs to display the display the salary of employee of different category .
architect, tech lead ----> category A.
senior developer, junior developer -- > category B
sales manager, Hr ------> category c
Now your application needs to display the display the salary of employee of different category .
solution :
how you will approach for the solution:
1st way : Following the inheritance concept And relying on Implementation class
i have my first class as :CategoryA . java for employee of categoryA
package in.technoscience.first;
public class CategoryA {
double baseSalary;
double overTime;
public CategoryA(double base, double overTime) {
baseSalary = base;
overTime = this.overTime;
public double getSalary() {
return (baseSalary + overTime);
Now my second class : CategoryB . java for employee of CategoryB
package in.technoscience.first;
public class CategoryB {
double salesAmount;
double baseSalary;
final static double commission = 0.02;
public CategoryB(double sa, double base) {
baseSalary = base;
salesAmount = sa;
public double getSalary() {
return (baseSalary + (commission * salesAmount));
Now a class to represent Employee :
package in.technoscience.first;
public class Employee {
CategoryA salaryCalculator;
String name;
public Employee(String s, CategoryA c) {
name = s;
salaryCalculator = c;
public void display() {
System.out.println("Name=" + name);
System.out.println("salary= " + salaryCalculator.getSalary());
A class to test our application:
package in.technoscience.first;
public class MainApp {
public static void main(String [] args) {
CategoryA cA = new CategoryA(10000, 200);
Employee emp = new Employee ("technoscience",cA);
- A client object can use an Employee object with values for the name and the category type attributes at the time of invoking its constructor.
- here our testing class(,Creates an instance of the CategoryA class by passing appropriate details required for the salary calculation.
- Creates an Employee object and uses it with the CategoryA object inside constructor.
- Invokes the display method on the Employee object to display the name and salary for the employee.
- The Employeeobject makes use of the services of the CategoryA object in calculating the salary of the employee it represents. In this aspect, Employee object acts as a client to the CategoryA object
Limitations :
- This design works fine as long as application needs to calculate the salary for
Category-A employee only. - This design also works fine when we have only one class of objects that provides this service.
- Here from the above code Employee object expects the salary calculation service provider object to be always of the CategoryA class type . And this tight coupling will affects the maintainability and results in an application design that will be restrictive in terms of its future enhancement.
- As per above code, suppose application also needs to calculate the salary of employees who are part of Category-B.
- The main application object (testing class) will be able to create an instance of the CategoryB class but will not be able to use the Employee object with CategoryB instance.
- This is because the Employee object expects the salary calculator to be always of the CategoryA type.
- Due to above reason, the main application will not be able to reuse the existing Employee class to represent different category of employees.
- Still if you want to stick with this code then you have make modification in different class at different places and that will introduce maintenance problem.
- so to overcome this problem we can adopt the interface based coding and use the different concepts like runtime polymorphism
- Apart from using runtime polymorphism we can use the concept of composition over inheritance.
- Adopting to interface based coding style will make our classes loosly coupled
- And once it is loosely coupled then it can solve the maintenance problem and code will be more adaptable.
I will explain approach to make this code better in my Next Post, Keep visiting.
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