Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Right Path To Start Learning Java

 " Execution of a plan is more important than the plan itself "

After being a fresh graduate and looking to get a job in I.T as well as learning the technology is fun.At this stage of life we explore new things and face such a situation that makes us to fight for our desire. But the most difficult situation comes when we have to choose the  right technology for learning. And as i feel JAVA is one of most widely accepted computer programming language.
People have different ideas about java. But personally i feel JAVA IS A REVOLUTION.

According to my Experience and Path that I have followed I would like to share some of my ideas:

1) First thing we need to choose right approach to learn any programming language.In java programming language, approach matters because its really very vast and one can't grab all things and keep everything in mind.
  • What I would suggest is LEARN THE THINGS BY DOING.
  • Choose perfect resource like right books , websites, different forums on social networking site.
  • In initial days of learning I would not prefer to use different websites.
  • what I would suggest is to choose just one book and one good mentor(one who can guide you it may be a person or any coaching center) and that is enough for initial days of learning.
 2) After adopting proper approach its time to dive into the JAVA. In initial days of learning it needs lots of concentration and determination ( if u have not familiar with Object- Oriented Programming language)

3) While learning one should focus on writing the things more and more then going into practice.

4) In early days just learn few java syntax then straight dive into Object Oriented Concepts.

5) Object Oriented Concepts means how Java use OOPs concept : like Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism.

6) It's very necessary to learn these OOPS concepts prior to learning deep java syntax and concept. Because through these concepts One can gradually start figuring out how different OOPS concepts are bounded together to form JAVA and more higher concepts.

7) So be very attentive when You start learning specially for initial 15 days.

8) Instead of learning new things more, keep on revising the concepts like if u plan to cover 4-5 topics in day then what i will suggest make it short make it 2-3 topic in learning list and add earlier topics on revising list.

9) One important thing I want to share what I had faced when I was in initial days of learning, my mind used to deviates lot and I used to think how java is doing this why java is doing this? And those things were always in mind and had always distracted me from right track .I had wasted lots of my time in initial days. so what I would suggest to new learner is as java is so vast and lots of question will be coming in mind , but in initial days  try to avoid these question as much as u can. just treat yourself as dumb and focus on what is important according to time and situation.

11) Thoughts about internal structure and going deep in that is good after you have achieved one level at least when you are at pro level.

12) Always set a target for you each and every day , stay focused on that and try to achieve that.

13) I suggest you to follow these steps and you will enjoy learning. And these approaches will boost your confidence.

Here i am going to share links to some very useful books and u can choose any one of those but focus on only one book 

you can get source code of this book on :

3) I will suggest this book and i am personally fan of this book but study this with HEAD FIRST: SCJP by kathy siera My Suggestion.

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