ClassLoading in Java
A Classloader takes in the raw
bytes from a .class file , standard Java api's provided with the SDK (or) any
other custom classes required by class file and then creates the right bytecodes
to run .class file
- The ClassLoader: It takes care of finding and loading the types( class, interface , enum and Annotation) in class loader subsystem.
There are two types of class loader: Bootstrap class loader and User defined class loader or also called as Custom class loader
- Bootstrap class loader is provided by the vendor which implements the abstract specification of the JVM.
- User-defined class loaders or custom loader are the part of running java application. Classes loaded by different class loaders which are placed into separate namespaces inside JVM.
user-defined class loaders are regular Java objects whose class extend from
.For every type a Java virtual machine loads, it creates an instance of classjava.lang.Class
to represent that type. Like all objects, user-defined class loaders and instances of classClass
reside on the heap. Data for loaded types resides in the method area.
1) Loading: In loading process the class loader subsystem finds and brings the binary data required by the type into JVM. Means read the .class bytes into the JVM process memory2) Linking: In Linking process binary type data is incorporated into the runtime state of the virtual machine. It involves three process:- Verification: the binary data imported for the type being loaded is correct or not.
- Preparation: it involves building up JVM internal data structures to store the class entities in a way the JVM finds .The preparation phase allocates the memory needed by the type like memory for class variables and memory are initializes with the default values.
- Resolution: It is the process of transforming symbolic references in the constant pool into direct references. After verification, preparation, and (optionally) resolution are completed, the type is ready for initialization. the previous step had built up the data structures with relative offsets and symbol references - in this step we "resolve"
- These three steps mean to be happen in order. Only exception condition may be resolution step which can occur after initialization.
ClassLoader in java
1) Every
Java virtual machine implementation has a bootstrap class loader, which knows
how to load trusted classes, including the classes of the Java API. The Java
virtual machine specification doesn't define how the bootstrap loader should
locate classes.
2) The
bootstrap loader looks in each directory, in the order the directories appear
in the
until it finds a file with the appropriate name: the type's simple name plus
Unless the type is part of the unnamed package, the bootstrap loader expects
the file to be in a subdirectory of one the directories in the CLASSPATH
. The path
name of the subdirectory is built from the package name of the type. For
example, if the bootstrap class loader is searching for class java.lang.Object
it will look for Object.class
in the java\lang
subdirectory of each CLASSPATH
3) BootStrap classloader Loads
JDK internal classes, java.*packages. (as defined in the sun.boot.class.path
system property, typically loads rt.jar and i18n.jar).
4) Apart
from this there is extension class loader which Loads jar files from JDK
extensions directory (as defined in the java.ext.dirs system property – usually
lib/ext directory of the JRE)
5) In
Java 2 SDK virtual machine, searching the class path is the job of the system class loader, a user-defined
class loader that is created automatically when the virtual machine starts up.
6) System
class loader Loads classes from system classpath (as defined by the
java.class.path property, which is set by the CLASSPATH environment variable or
–classpath or –cp command line options)
class loader follows the delegation model where All , except the bootstrap ClassLoader, must have a parent -.
UserdefinedCL1 , UserdefinedCL2
UserdefinedCL1 , UserdefinedCL2
What is delegation model?
The delegation model requires that any request for a class loader to load
a given class is first delegated to its parent class loader before the requested
class loader tries to load the class itself. The parent class loader, in turn,
goes through the same process of asking its parent. This chain of delegation
continues through to the bootstrap class loader (also known as the system class loader). If a class loader's parent can load a given class,
it returns that class. Otherwise, the class loader attempts to load the class
Consider an example: Say you have your own implementation of java.lang.String class.
Place it in the classpath Run your app, say, HelloWorld, with a custom classloader MyClassloader to load the String class Without parent delegation: you could probably force the classloading of your own implementation, rather than the more trusted one which comes with the SDK. In which case the chances of crashing the JVM rises from 99-100% With parent delegation: JVM go on with its usual business of asking bootstrap to load it from the RIGHT jar.
Consider an example: Say you have your own implementation of java.lang.String class.
Place it in the classpath Run your app, say, HelloWorld, with a custom classloader MyClassloader to load the String class Without parent delegation: you could probably force the classloading of your own implementation, rather than the more trusted one which comes with the SDK. In which case the chances of crashing the JVM rises from 99-100% With parent delegation: JVM go on with its usual business of asking bootstrap to load it from the RIGHT jar.